Taiwan CMC Tai Chi Tournament 2000
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Taiwan CMC Tai Chi Tournament 2000

Ed Chen deflects a push Ed Chen deflects a push Ben Lo talks to Bill Law Ben Lo talks to Bill Law Joseph - the Japanese CMC connection...with a student Joseph - the Japanese CMC connection...with a student Bill and Ben Bill Law talks to Ben Lo TW1340 TW1340
Tw13802 Tw13802 TW1B0 TW1B0 TW2043 TW2043 TW20D0 TW20D0 Ed Chen in push hands competition Ed Chen in push hands competition
Chew hu pingMaster Ju Hong-Bin what does this say? what does this say? Souveniers at the tournament Souveniers at the tournament nice old photo nice old photo professors training outfit The Professor's training outfit
Ed Chen in push hands competition Ed Chen in push hands competition Entrance to tournament Entrance to tournament Entrance to tournament Entrance to tournament Judges Judges tournament flags tournament flags
professors calligraphy kit professors calligraphy kit professor's swordProfessor's Cheng man Ching's sword sign giving directions on an alley door sign giving directions on an alley door walking the night of the final tournament day walking the night of the final tournament day A meeting of some old masters A meeting of some old masters
Ed Chen in push hands Ed Chen in push hands Ben Lo talks to master Lui, the Buddhist tai chi masterMaster Ben Lo talks to Master Liu (who is a Buddhist) Ben Lo awards some winners Ben Lo awards some winners Ben Lo awards some winners Ben Lo awards some winners old photos old photos
old photo old photo prizes prizes taiwan tai chi website Taiwan tai chi website some celebrations at the restaurant some celebrations at the restaurant Lindsay Williams sitting with Ben Lo Lindsay Williams sitting with Ben Lo
Ben Lo awards the guy who raises honey bees in the forest Ben Lo awards Kayo Robertson (who raises honey bees in the forest) moving step push hands moving step push hands Bill and Joseph on round mountain Bill Law and Joseph on round mountain Carol Yamasaki and Brett Carol Yamasaki and Brett Chen Wei Bu watching as Bill and Joseph tussle Chen Wei Bu watching as Bill Law and Joseph tussle
Opening moments... Opening moments... Master Shu gives opening address with backdrop of the professor in background Master Hsu Yee-Chung gives opening address with backdrop of the professor in background Crowd stands to honor the professor for 1 minute Crowd stands to honor the professor for 1 minute Carol Yamasaki and Brett Carol Yamasaki and Brett Crowd stands to honor the professor for 1 minute Crowd stands to honor the professor for 1 minute
Trophies on offer Trophies on offer Excuse me - no laughing here! Excuse me - no laughing here! The two best tai chi Masters in the world. Master Lui & Ben Lo Mr.Liu and Mr. Ben Lo, students of Professor Cheng Man Ching

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The correct spelling of names:

Mr.Liu and Mr. Lo, students of Professor Cheng Man Ching

1. Master Hsu Yee-Chung

2. Master Liu Xi-Heng

3. Master Ju Hong-Bin

4. Mr. Chen Wei-Bo

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