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Toolbook Books 1998

Book: ToolBook II: Instructor, Assistant, Librarian

Authors: Tim Barham, Erik Reitan et. al.
Available soon

Book: Utilizing Asymetrix ToolBook II Assistant (172 pages, spiral bound) & Utilizing Asymetrix ToolBook II Instructor (160 pages, spiral bound)

Author: Tom L. Hall"

Publisher: TCC Publishing, Sept. 1997 ISBN: none; custom publication. See also: Tom Hall's ToolBook II Assistant Resource Page

Book: Special Edition Using Asymetrix Multimedia ToolBook 4

Authors: Dottie Natal, Erik Reitan, Thomas C. Blake, Scott Petersen, Lola Gunter
Publisher: QUE - Macmillan Computer Publishing, January 1996 ISBN: 0-7897-0291-6 More information...

Book: Developing with Asymetrix ToolBook: Applied Programming Theory

Author: Stephen F. Hustedde"

Publisher: Wadsworth Publishing Co. (Integrated Media Group), January 1996 ISBN: 0-534-26046-2
More information at Integrated Media Group / ITP, Information at Thomson resource centers.

Complementary Software CD-ROM (optional): Developing with Asymetrix Toolbook

Tutorial & Samples and Solutions to Hands-on Projects
ISBN: 0-534-26048-9

Book: The Multimedia Workshop: Toolbook 3.0

Author: Matthew Holtz
Publisher: Wadsworth Publishing Co., April 1995
ISBN: 0-534-31059-1

Book: Utilizing Multimedia ToolBook 3.0

Asymetrix Distance Learning Development Resources:

Books, Asymetrix recommendations.

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